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I'm running to help Maxim Shkurenkov
Event: Ufa International Marathon 2019
Eliza Savasina publisher "" I love to run in the morning, and have never participated in marathons. Long planned, but last year I was prevented from injury. I hope that everything will be fine, and I will be able to participate in the marathon on September 1. I am happy that I will not just run away, but I will help children with something. We are always together with all the projects of the Markhamat foundation. Shkurenkov Maxim, 7 years. Diagnosis: Down syndrome, mental and speech retardation, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Maksik was born on April 18, 2012 - he was very weak, development was delayed. Late began to sit, crawl. Went only 2, 5 years. From the age of 5 months, parents began to actively engage in the rehabilitation of the child, many neurologists and hospitals went through, and in 2017 they began to attend the Center for Child Development “Markhamat”. Now Maxim does not speak, but speech therapists do not give up: they say that with constant load there will be progress. He needs constant remedial classes: with a speech therapist, a pathologist, a psychologist at the Markhamat Children's Development Center. Maxim is a cheerful and sociable boy, collects puzzles, draws. And it will be very cool if he starts to talk at least a little. In order for Maxim to continue working at the Markhamat Center for Child Development, it is necessary to collect 15,000 rubles. You can help the boy by supporting the action “Runner”! View more >>
8 300
15 000
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  • Gareeva_Ayguly,
    Максим мы с тобой! • • •
  • Subhangulova_Anna_Aleksandrovna_,
    Элиза! Не перестаю тобой восхищаться! Мега креативный и творческий человек! Прекрасная мама и жена! Беги, Элиза, беги • • •
    2 000
  • Saakyan_Elena_Sergeevna,
    1 000
  • OOO_Elis_Media_Grupp,
    5 000

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