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Master-class platform "Do it!" in Krasnoyarsk: how to involve the fund's audience in mass fundraising

September 20, 2018 co-founder of our platform "Do it!" & Nbsp; Pavel Konev made a master class about the development of private mass fundraising in Russia. The event was held under the auspices of the Association of Fundraisers and the RUSAL Social Programs Center. & nbsp; Despite the fact that mass fundraising and sports fundraising have long been in a trend abroad, we are only developing this. A number of funds are already very actively using beneficiaries and like-minded people to increase monetary fees. Other funds, NGOs, and even athletes and activists are not always clear mechanism of private fundraising. The bright story of Paul, and also the recordings of the speeches of our activists-writers of the Acts, interested the audience in Krasnoyarsk! We saw in the eyes of interest and even excitement! Among our partner funds there is already Krasnoyarsk, we hope the meeting inspired more active cooperation. And also we are waiting for the accession to the platform of new charitable organizations from Krasnoyarsk, and new Deeds from the inhabitants of this wonderful hospitable city! On September 25, Ivan Starostin, co-founder of the "Do it!" Platform, comes to Volgograd, and lights the hearts of Volgograd activists and representatives of the blessing! & Nbsp;

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