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Supporting the charity:
Collection of charitable means. Having swum across the Volga
Event: STADA Volga Swim 2018
Hello! I'm going to participate in the X-Waters swim - I want to swim 5km along the beautiful Volga! I want to collect 100 thousand rubles in favor of the Gulf Stream Foundation. This is a charity fund for helping seriously ill people. The funds collected by our common efforts will go to the work of programs with such families and children with autism, the work of psychologists. The Foundation assists in rehabilitation and socialization for children with developmental features and their families on the basis of the Children's Inclusive Center "Together cheerfully to walk". I believe that it does not matter which city or country we are from, it is important to help those who need it, whenever possible. Even if they are thousands of miles away. Please support me in this Deed, every ruble of yours is a step forward to the goal! View more >>
X-Waters is the leading organizer of international swimming starts in open water in Russia. We create inspiring ambitious goals, a source of energy and motivation to change life for the better. Our goal: to help ordinary people do extraordinary things and swim the most famous and impressive natural water bodies - rivers, lakes, bays and straits. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; View more >>
100 000

Реквизиты компании

ООО «Доброе Дело» Местонахождение и почтовый адрес: 117525, г. Москва, ул.Днепропетровская, д.3, корп. 5, 1 этаж, пом.III, ком. 6, офис 2 ОГРН 1157746776087 от 24.08.15
ИНН 7726350600 КПП 772601001
р/с 40702810902980000634 в АО "Альфа-Банк" г. Москва
к/с 30101810200000000593
БИК 044525593
Телефон: 8 (499) 112 4780 Email:



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