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Having swum in the Arctic in order to raise funds for the fund "Exit in St. Petersburg"
Event: Arctic Swim 2018
Recently I started preparing for a unique swim. It will take place in the village. Teriberka August 18-19, 2018 I have to swim 1 km at a water temperature of about 6 degrees Celsius. I'm devoting my swim to raising funds for the "Exit in St. Petersburg" fund. This is a unique foundation whose mission is to help children with autism and their families. The team of this fund implements terrific programs. Several families close to me have faced the problem of autism, and I know firsthand how difficult it is for them in our realities to provide the child with the necessary occupations necessary for growth and development. There are effective methods, but people often do not have the opportunity to receive assistance on time and in full. Foundation "Exit in St. Petersburg" really changes the fate. Please support my swim! On the progress of the training, I will inform everyone on the Facebook page on a monthly basis. View more >>
X-Waters is the leading organizer of international swimming starts in open water in Russia. We create inspiring ambitious goals, a source of energy and motivation to change life for the better. Our goal: to help ordinary people do extraordinary things and swim the most famous and impressive natural water bodies - rivers, lakes, bays and straits. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; View more >>
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ООО «Доброе Дело» Местонахождение и почтовый адрес: 117525, г. Москва, ул.Днепропетровская, д.3, корп. 5, 1 этаж, пом.III, ком. 6, офис 2 ОГРН 1157746776087 от 24.08.15
ИНН 7726350600 КПП 772601001
р/с 40702810902980000634 в АО "Альфа-Банк" г. Москва
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