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Supporting the charity:
"A LIFE. RESTART ". Single 360-kilometer race in 7 days
Own reason
On February 23 in Anapa I will start a race of more than 360 kilometers in length. The goal is to raise 360,000 rubles to help in social adaptation of children with Down syndrome. Finish is scheduled for the first day of spring in Sochi. By this race I want to change the attitude of our society towards children with Down syndrome. They are waiting for care and love from us all, and often can not get them. Teenagers need to be given the opportunity to work and earn money to change their lives for the better. The solution of these problems is the Charity Fund of the Love Syndrome. The entire amount is transferred to help 13 teenagers with Down syndrome aged 14-16. This race is a test for me. I plan to do something that I have never done before in my life. I have to run every day for a week a real marathon distance. The maximum daily mileage is 80 km. I believe that you will support. I will be grateful to you for the emotions, comments, likes and scars of this project and, of course, for financial participation. What will the funds be directed at? 1. The salary fund for teachers and psychologists: 120,000 rubles. 2. Expenses for study visits to colleges and enterprises: 30,000 rubles. 3. Purchase of equipment for a printing workshop, including a booklet maker, cutter, stapler, laminator, table cutter, etc.: 210,000 rubles. I will be grateful for your emotions, comments, likes and scars of this project and, of course, for financial participation. Any contribution is important and honorable. Let's help the children together. Thank you! Petr Zozulya Go to the race site: # забегжизньперезагрузка View more >>
443 024
360 000
ПЁТР!!!! Мы С ТОБОЙ!!!!

Good mood for everyone! Running in my native village gives me great pleasure (native places, fresh air, clear skies, silence, the scents of the forest ...). Many who live here complain that there is nothing to do because of poorly developed infrastructure. But what do you need to run, except for a pair of sneakers? Therefore, I would like to draw attention to the sport of local residents of all ages. Show that there are many opportunities nearby, cases in which they could invest their talents. The nearest town of Morshansk - about 30 km to it - is a worthy challenge for those who have not run more than 20 km. We will run with local volunteers without a pre-worked route, adhering only to the direction and circumambulating the arable land, impassable thickets, ravines, lakes and other obstacles. This will make the race more colorful, memorable and extreme. More information about the race here Perhaps this will be your first donation to the fund, as for the participants this will be the first race for such a distance, and even on an unprepared track. If you overcome yourself and take this step for the first time, it will be easier for athletes to overcome themselves at a distance, feeling the support of your good deeds! The collected money will go to the charity fund "Love Syndrome" (see the link on the page for more details) to help children - this will make the event more meaningful and attract more attention, which means that more people will think about what useful it could be to direct its free time. Let's stir the locals together!
30 km of discoveries Event: Own reason

Реквизиты компании

ООО «Доброе Дело» Местонахождение и почтовый адрес: 117525, г. Москва, ул.Днепропетровская, д.3, корп. 5, 1 этаж, пом.III, ком. 6, офис 2 ОГРН 1157746776087 от 24.08.15
ИНН 7726350600 КПП 772601001
р/с 40702810902980000634 в АО "Альфа-Банк" г. Москва
к/с 30101810200000000593
БИК 044525593
Телефон: 8 (499) 112 4780 Email:



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