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Hello! My name is Svetlana Tomashevskaia. I am 28 years old. 25 of them I do sports and sport is my life! I tried different kinds of sports: track&field, swimming, basketball, tennis and ping-pong, skiing, volleyball and floorball. Sport has given me a lot - self-confidence, strength of mind, discipline, a lot of friends and travel. I had the opportunity to try and engage in a favorite sport. But there are people who have limited or no such opportunities, they are people with disabilities, for example, with cerebral palsy. I think this is unfair! Today in Russia there are almost 13 million people with disabilities, 1/3 of them are children and young people. People with cerebral palsy - 1.5 million people. Spinal injuries (spinal, wheelchair users) - 200,000 people. On June 29, 2019, I will go to the start of the Ironstar 1/4 at Zavidovo in order to overcome and finish 1/4 of the full Ironman triathlon distance in tandem with Milana Dzitoyova. This means that I will swim 1 km and drag a boat with Milana behind me, take the stroller with my partner on the bike for 45 km and then push the carriage at the running stage for 10 km. And I will do it all in a row and without stopping. Milana Dzitoeva - my partner and support on the course. She is 17 years old, she has cerebral palsy and she can move mostly only in a wheelchair. Milan - the ward of the charity fund supporting inclusion at sports. #MoreThanAble. And she already started in the fall on the half-marathon "My Capital" in tandem with the Fund's volunteers. Milana wants to go to the start of the race and overcome the distance on her own! And I would really like that! My goal is to fundrais 500,000 rubles to purchase RaceRunner and to start RaceRunning training for people with cerebral palsy, other neurological diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system in Moscow. And then, perhaps, it will be possible to arrange a small championship in RaceRunning! I really want these children and adults like Milana to have the opportunity to play sports, train, compete, communicate, be independent and active! RaceRunning is an innovative sport for people with disabilities that was invented in Denmark. The first RaceRunner was created in 1991. RaceRunning gives people with disabilities who can usually move only in an electric wheelchair, a manual wheelchair, or a worker, give an opportunity to move move at relatively high speeds under their own power. This sport allows paraathletes to feel independence, competitive spirit, speed, to take full responsibility for the result and achievements, to rejoice for the victory, to mourn for the loss - to experience the full range of emotions that they are often not available due to the limited number of sports that they can to do The question of including RaceRunning in the Paralympic Games program is currently under consideration, and I hope this will happen! Frankly, I am very worried and worried. I know it will be hard, but together we can handle it! So I really need your support! Follow the news on my page in FB ( and Instagram ( by the hashtag #MoreThanTriathlon

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62 010
500 000
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Мы добавили 1 новую фотографию. Посмотрите в фотогалерее!

  • Incognito,
  • Frolova_Ekaterina_Sergeevna,
    Пожертвование • • •
    10 000
  • Olga,
    Спасибо Вам, Светлана, я знаю, как сложно и тяжело было Милане в первый раз. И как для неё это важно. Вам всех благ и здоровья. • • •
    1 000
  • Medvedeva_Oksana_Olegovna_,
    Пожертвование • • •
    10 000
  • Incognito,
    1 000
  • Yulia_Savitskaya,
    Света, пусть все получится! • • •
    5 000
  • Kirill,
    1 000
  • Incognito,
    1 000
  • Koshman_Margarita_Vladimirovna,
    Света, только вперёд! • • •
    5 000
  • Aleksandr_Korenfelyd,
    Удачи! Все получится! • • •
    5 000

Реквизиты компании

ООО «Доброе Дело» Местонахождение и почтовый адрес: 117525, г. Москва, ул.Днепропетровская, д.3, корп. 5, 1 этаж, пом.III, ком. 6, офис 2 ОГРН 1157746776087 от 24.08.15
ИНН 7726350600 КПП 772601001
р/с 40702810902980000634 в АО "Альфа-Банк" г. Москва
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